[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread


@KyoDaz you can post signups

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(For WoW)

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updated op for yall

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Game Name: Wild West FM
Main Host: Marshal (+ maybe @Italy?)
Game Size: 25
Game Speed: 36/12
Game Type: Vanilla

Game is 5v20 mountainous game with ITAs until the final 8


oh god

someone @ me again when next big ITA game starts, till then adieu.

Me and marshals game dosent have ITAs but you should join anyways

That will probably be TBE and my 28P ITA game

Which probably won’t start for at least 2 months
As we have to finish designing it
Then enter the queue
Then wait in the queue for a few weeks to get a reviewer
Then wait for the game to start in the post-review line


That would be now :^)


i was planning on having a break cuz i keep getting burned but guess not lol

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@KyoDaz probably withhold signups now because community mafia

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Your gonna be amazed on my work on the Rick and Morty FM!

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I figured you were a Rick and Morty fan from your Pfp Seth.

Game Name: SFoL 66: Occult Clash (Mithras Cult Uninformed Majority vs. Corax Cult Informed Minority)
Main Host: N.1 + TBD
Game Size: 18
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: SFoL

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wanna co-host w/ me anstreim? :pleading_face:

I can do most of the work and teach u how things work on the hosting end if u need help

wait we skipped SFoL 65

Occult clash has to be 66
b/c of number 66

someone else will have to pick up the mantle for 65 first