[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Hi Cheese.

is this a request to co-host

I hope everything is OK. Iā€™m sure I speak for the majority of people here by saying that youā€™ll be in our thoughts.

Real life comes first.

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Iā€™m moving airlock down in the misc queue one spot at this time. I wonā€™t consider co-hosting it without 2 other co-hosts beyond eevee. It may be moved further down or removed later.

Even if that didnā€™t happen, if it were ever to run, I would need to be a part of the pre-game process for mechanical clarity, since the gameā€™s setup is freeform and can be quite hard to balance, and Iā€™m the only one who has ever played it before.

It needs to be moved down at this point since itā€™s not ready to run and itā€™s inhibiting other miscs that are.

My decision for the Syndicate/HoB SFoL is to seek a different co-host. I need more than one co-host anyway, for timezone coverage and action resolution.

I can host starting in July, so if anyone would be available then, that would be epic. The setup doesnā€™t have a ton of classes, but it has ~23 overall, not including Kings.

Itā€™s a fairly large setup, though, so lots of action resolution is required and I donā€™t want to make gamebreaking moderrors.

Okay, screw it
Iā€™d like to request a reviewer for Star Wars FM

what if i want to watch this thread but not see every single edit that happens

Then set it to tracking?

tracking only gives a notif if someone replies or @s me

Isnā€™t that what you want?

i want to see all replies so i can see if someone submits a new game or smth but i dont want to see edits cause thatā€™s redundant and spammy since each edit is a separate notif and pushes other notifications down

i dont think itā€™s possible tho so iā€™ll just live with it

You could just check unread posts and itā€™ll show this topic

I can cohost whatever FoL/FM if people are needed (my timezone is UTC+3)

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Uh, so, since Dangan was cancelled can/should I run VLDR 2? Itā€™s not done yet but I could probably finish within a week


It wasnā€™t cancelled, it was postponed for a month because of technical difficulties :sunglasses: .

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postponed sorry

words are hard

Ah well everyone makes mistakes.

Whenever you think its ready Sulit

Iā€™m probably going to post an announcement about this or something when the SFoL comes around in the queue.