[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

also @DatBird and I are still working on the FE 4/5 SFM. It is being downsized to 16 players. We’ll get in contact with the review team once we think it’s ready for review.

Don’t overtake yourself! Just saying. Concentrate on one thing after the other, not on 4 or even 5 on the same time :eyes:



What the hell.

That should be illegal.

This is not meant to be at the same time or even near future. Just wanted to put my plans for the next half year or so in here

I’m probably doing the thing with DatBird first. After that, I’m down for working on anything I just listed (or purgatory 3) depending on what other co-hosts might be interested

I definitely will not do setups more frequently than one every three weeks, if even that
So none of these are ready for review and most won’t be for a while. I’m just doing outreach for prospective co-hosts / ppl to help with setup balancing and refining.

waits for minority rule to be hosted

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Wait, is this an alt?

I made a new account because the maxwell account is linked to an email that no longer exists and I don’t have the password. Xblade told me this was my best option.

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Welcome back, Maxwell!


I think I remember someone working on a Community Mafia setup, who was that?

That’s a Myth, a Legend

Wait, so is nobody making one?

Legends are often true

I thought Hippo was.

I thought someone was.

Wazza, Emilia, and I are working on a community SFoL, but it’s not ready for review yet


I’m ready to review Virtuous II
@eevee-sama @Kirefitten @PoisonedSquid
Basically, I made conversion limits same as ToL, made nightwatch have only follow, and stalker have only stalk.