[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

and yes @sulit u can open vldr 2


Why is that managed by the queue

Isnā€™t it a misc game

we have a mini misc queue, mainly to prevent like 40 miscs going at once

Has that ever actually happened lol

when we started it there were like 3 with one in signups

@clonedcheese purgatory can open


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Game Name: NUF FM 2
Main Host: Zone_Q11
Game Size: 15
Game Speed: 36/12
Game Type: Standard

Game Name: [Misc] Blood on the Forums V: Return to the Origin

note that i am adding sentinel: https://bloodontheclocktower.com/wiki/Sentinel
Hosts: KyoDaz + N.1
Game Size: 7-19
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: Misc

feel free to discuss the script in the discussion thread, or the botf v thread i made a while ago

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I am coming back as co-host for my Marson v2 game.
Since itā€™s mountainous, thatā€™s probably the best way to go in trying to rebuild hosting WiM.


Would it be allowed to make a misc where there is no set player count and anyone can participate at any time

said misc would be a murder mystery where people will have to find clues to who killed me in a really cool fashion

I would more want it to be ā€œcommunity eventā€ than misc and I would rather not have a set playerlist

I just want to know if that is, like, legal


Iā€™ve seen this like, exact concept work before, with an Unimeko theme, for goodnessā€™ sake. It should be fine.


It probably should wait to launch like any misc, but the game should be live 2 weeks then ignored for queueing purposes

Game Name: The Grand Marshal Murder Mystery
Main Host: Marshal
Game Size: :infinity:
Game Speed: no phases
Game Type: Misc

Description: Everyone works to solve a series of puzzles and find clues that uncover Marshalā€™s killer and eventually get the grand prize.

Slightly Longer Description

Marshal has died, and itā€™s up to anyone willing to solve the mystery. Through a series of puzzles, the killer shall be revealed.

There can only be 1 winner, who can choose to share the prize with others or take it all for themselves. Some may try to mislead you, some may try to work with you, all on the journey to uncover my killer and obtain the prize for doing so.

Game is not finished, itā€™s done being planned but I have to work on some puzzles/clues.


Iā€™ve solved it.

It was kat.


I was about to bring this game up lol

Segaco the best

for those of you who are interested, hereā€™s a link

this video is not available

what video
itā€™s not like the game has long since vanished into the BMG void

god, you know what i miss
that thing that happens on ToS where, if you made a redundant thread, the mods just like
move it into the already existing thread, and consequently fuck up everything

some of my favourite moments on the forums were when the mods like, merged an active thread into a thread that has long since died, and thus the OP of the thread changes, and everybodyā€™s really confused as to why theyā€™re getting notifications from the thread