[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

So just an official change to the MISC system, Im removing the come to me part of the rule, as like 80% of them on there do not listen to this rule and just post em here. Be it known, Im still monitoring the system, and I will probably message you about your game to keep quality standards up. That doesnt mean a review, but more so game is ready to go and that the host is able to run it by themselves with all the work it may need, and provide any assistance I can to an extent. Be it known we still pay attention to these games from a moderation side, and you can always come to us on these games, just like fm, if something is bothering you.


Game Name: FoL 30
Main Host: CRichard564
Game Size: 18
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: FoL

Fol 30 has been denied as someone has already claimed that

Also u need to cohost a FOL game first before you can main host a fol

@Marshal and @Italy you mind if I help cohost Wild West FM?

You need to cohost a FoL in particular in order to meet that requirement btw

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I quickedited it in, as my og message wasnt clear

I have no problems with it, especially considering how ITAā€™s work and you being in a different timezone

if italy gives the OK iā€™ll add you to the PM

After all, australia is just the texas of the ocean

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Earliest time I can begin DR2?

Itā€™s a mix of a lot of things to answer that question. As theres a queue. Usually u have to wait in line for the other games to start. Right now we have one open spot. That atm is going to eevee if hes able. If not it goes to Ami next. I know that moles game was written for after under the mask. So like essentially we have two games go at once til we get to yours, now if people traded their spot with you I wouldnā€™t mind. But realistically we should follow the order based on when it was submitted. Otherwise itā€™s unfair to those before ya even if ya game seems to be filled now lol.


For now to make sure u keep ur spot make sure u edit it into the op (itā€™s a wiki so u can just edit it in). Iā€™m on mobile atm or I would just do it myself.

(my game isnā€™t complete ftr and so it could def be jumped ahead in the queue)

Another thing is with the change of the rule making sure games are actually ready is important. So i will prob make sure those on that list are actually ready like tomorrow

Than for the mean time add it to like wip and add it when itā€™s ready

yah alr

texans only no reason not to

just FYI i would like to run BotF V before Aliceā€™s DR2
or at the same time if it works out like that

but i dont consent to being skipped over (and i dont think being able to trade places should be a thing if there are slots in between that do not consent)

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BotF V was also before janeā€™s game in the queue before i removed and re-added it

itā€™s also clocktower-style (just flipless, elimination-less FM with whispers and a flagbearer) which means it goes faster than your standard misc

and the point of the queue is to ensure maximum fairness in that no one who doesnā€™t consent gets jumped

cc @Alice @KyoDaz

@Ami Big Brother can open

@Marshal @Italy @CRichard564 Wild West can open!

hope it fills