[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Afaik we have enough games ready, but not much player interest

Part of the purpose of the queue is to ensure we don’t have too many games running at once, but part of it is also bottlenecked on reviewers

We slowed down games for a reasons.

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January has always, and will always, be a shit month for FoL, same with first half of Feb.

Honestly they both just suck for FM in general

It’s a curse


You also signed up for way too many games.

@Mod You may want to cancel Dethroning of Lies and remove Throne of Lies FM from “In Review list”

Throne of Lies FM is being hosted by Ici


Either way remove Dethroning of Lies.

/Pre-In to Minority Rule 10 @Hippolytus

I’m still waiting for Watch Your Mouth to be reviewed :^)

Next game which goes is one which @Kirefitten reviewed.

Ping him if you want signups for it faster.

Which is that. Nothing up there says hes a reviewer of a game

That’s the point.


Firekitten reviewed mine

Nice. Now get your game manager to actually do something.
It’s his turn to put something in.

Either yours or Ici’s game.

What is game manager

that’s right booooys
it’s bastard bullshit time

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…after review is finished!

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but seriously

i think it’s Eevee but-