[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread


Game Name: SFoL 61: No
Main Host: eevee
Game Size: 16
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: SFoL

Game Name: "“SFoL”"62: Maybe
Main Host: Icibalus
Game Size: 16
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: SFoL???

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honestly i have no idea how to turn this meme name into an actual game but i’ll manage it

i’m ready for a reviewer hoes

i’d like to point out that in a no rule FM everyone could just post a screenshot of their classcard

i’m not bound by rules either~

Literally everyone has been modkilled!




I hope I roll roundabout

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ignore this, was just a meme

We are seriously doing games “no” and “maybe”.

We already discussed it with Ici.
Please don’t add stuff if it’s only joke.

(this isn’t a meme submission)

Game Name: name pending
Main Host: katze
Game Size: 18
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: SFoL?

not 100% sure what it’d be named because i don’t know what category this would fall under

Efols are usually reserved for the FOL team for big balance changes like EFOL 3 with the inquisitor the first version of 18p and no logs. These were to test if they were good ideas via a game

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so it’d probably be SFoL since it’s entirely based on the FoL ruleset

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It might be too much FoL to call it SFoL tho :upside_down_face:

It prob isnt. A SFOL is any FOL that isnt a proper one or Efol. So unless Katze wanted to host just exactly FOL it should be good

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If it’s like an FoL but not an FoL it’s an SFoL

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