[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

are you forgetting anarchy exists :^)

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i’ll make a discord server and invite you
I’d like it to be fully closed, again
Meaning no repeated classes from last time.

is it time for anarchy


Replace SFoL63: Maybe with this:

Name: SFoL63: Null
Playercount: 18
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Tpe: SFoL
Reviewer: ___

Maybe will be coming, obviously, but I think it’s more important i test out the changes I have for this game. for context, this is an FoL game but with NK removed and with a hell of a lot more neutral variety as well as Miscellenous Things I Think Would Be Cool™. basically a very spicy testing game that’s a lot more informal than an EFoL

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i’m currently about halfway through spicing up the neut allignment

that’s not saying that i’m getting rid of Maybe @Geyde @eevee-sama , it’s just that I think it’s best that we space out that nightmarish series of hallucinatory noumen- i mean fm games


No is coming

@eevee-sama, do you want to review my setup?
(And could you please update the OP?)

@Marshal hydra with me

Aight bet

Game Type: Misc
Game Name: Blood on the Forums 4: Glimpse of the Future
Game Progression: Just like Blood on the Forums 1 and 2
Player number: Anywhere in between 8 and 22, although I’d prefer somewhere around 16 or something.
Description: Another iteration of Blood on the Forums (this time run by me), but including ONLY unreleased characters from Blood on the Clocktower, that can all be found in the following document:


The possible list of characters for this game will contain some sub-set of all of those in the document above. I will decide and document what will be randable over the next week or so.

I would hope that I don’t have to wait for the whole queue for this to be reviewed since Misc games usually get to get approved faster.

I’m calling this Blood on the Forums 4 because I’m leaving “Blood on the Forums 3” for someone to run Bad Moon Rising at some point, but still calling this first one #4 (yes I know this is a bit confusing).


Fair warning, BotF IV will contain at least a few roles that have extremely high levels of chaos.

Please give me rogue :wink:

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Game Name: SFoL 65: Castle of the Blood God
Main Host: Amelia
Game Size: 16
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: SFoL


This game will feature Cult as the uninformed majority and a special voting system :eyes:


Game Name: Short Fuse V
Main Host: Marshal
Game Size: 12 or 16
Game Speed: 48/0
Game Type: VFM

My game is soon to start? So hype :smiley:
I’ll be more active here until it ends
Tell me when I can create the thread