[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Why are there suddenly so many posts here? Has Squiddo finally reviewed the new reviewers?

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yeah but there’s still a Line in which to Wait

They made the op a wiki
Discussion before then on if that should be the case
and boom
lotsa posts

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If the game is reviewed, it should be moved to the waiting to start and reorganized from there

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But is it balanced with hydras

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@Geyde I’ll let you know when its done

What the heck happened in the last hour?

And can somebody add this to OP?

we turned the queue post (OP of this thread) into a wiki
You should probably edit your setup into the OP in the appropriate location based on when other people posted about their setups here.

eevee was banned from FM because h tried to sell drugs to the forumers

Something devious, something quite mysterious.

Oh god. Why.
That makes it vulnerable to trollers.

that fear is unfounded
this never happens in the birthday thread
and anyone who tries this is fully trackable and will be punished if it happens

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This was the only real solution to the problem that everyone that is both a mod and a reviewer here (Luxy, eevee, and PoisonedSquid) never have the time to keep the queue updated.

We spent a good deal of time talking about this before going through with it. Feel free to read our conversation earlier in this thread.

Oh. Okay.

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Humu. Okay.
(I don’t want to re-read 150 posts though…)

By the way, do you have a list of reviewers?

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The current official reviewers are Geyde, PoisonedSquid, Luxy, and eevee.

PoisonedSquid ran an interview to bring on a fifth reviewer, but I’m pretty sure the results to that process have not been announced yet.

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Huh… I thought that Ici is also a reviewer.
And what about Osie? He seems to be SFoL 60’s reviewer.

What about FK