[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Isn’t fol27 signups in a week

Wouldn’t that be too many games

Although poisonous just ended

We’ve increased our number of simultaneous games due to the whole Coronavirus thing


With that being said, asking every two days when something can run will not make it run faster :upside_down_face:


@anon97870008 :newspaper_roll:

??? why am i being blamed

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Please stop asigning own starting dates.
Wtf is this.


There is 4 runing games rn with 5th in signups, there is no way anything else can safely start rn without impacting other games.

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Which four?

Nvm I figured it out

I don’t know if anarchy counts as… a game

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Yeah I forgot that counts as a game lol

It being a game is debatable given the current state of the thread

Yeah… :tea:

Nightless Vanilla

(+Anime in signups)

I’m guessing miscs don’t count

anarchy is an offical sfol how dare you

Eevee I don’t think there’s a 4th game running

It’s obv that Fol and SFoL shouldn’t start on the same day, but I guess we can figure that out. Since it’s anyways not the starting date, but the signup date
I’m apologizing for being pushy, but yea, having neither fol nor an sfol running is a bit boring, when you sit in curfew. I’ll keep to myself, sorry :joy:

anarchy is a sfol

Anarchy is not even a misc game, I think it belongs more to the off-topic category :wink:

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