[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

also only anstreim and I know the exact setup because he really wanted to see it

Gonna guess my SFoL is SFoL 68 then.

Tbh I don’t know if you can host a bastard game as an SFoL.

So everyone’s basically a cat?

I mean grand idea exists
Also if you want yours can be before mine

Unless you imply everybody in the BD is a dragon

I do now.

keep in mind that im not a reviewer. Just letting you yoink some of our randomizer idea shit

is this an SFoL take on blue lions

no it’s just a faction idea of mine

anarchy was a thing

Ah yes
Anarchy :sunglasses:

I’m aware

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I’ll ask Eevee if it should be considered something else that isn’t SFoL and try get it hosted as early as possible for this random shit.

SFoL 68: Golden Dragon III — Return of the Queen
Main Host: N.1
Game Size: 16
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: SFoL


Maybe without a Neutral Queen this time :eyes:

(pls ping me if u’d like to co-host)

Is that the one where Lizards are scum fac?

/pre-in but not co-host

actually wait /un-pre-in I’ll be gone by SFoL 70, sorry.

lol how did you forget