[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

I’m not sure how exactly I should ask but if it’s possible could I help co-host the next FoL?

The Fol team accepts your offer at co-hosting for 28. Still figuring out main host, but atm we are looking around a end of May/early June start

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I’d be down if I can do this rule:
FoL ”B” Gone!
No Roles with the word B in themZ
Any role with “B” will not B taken place!

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thats called a sfol


There was an FoL where Chloe and Katze randomized Roles.
So what’s wrong with the removal of “B” roles.

that was an SFoL

that was a SFOL

Can you choose what roles your doing in an FoL?

If I can pick the roles in play I’m down.

We’ll “Pretend” I Randed Roles.

I just have to follow this Rolelist Yes?

Mastermind / Cult Leader
Assassin / Random Cult
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon / Random Neutral Non-Killer
Random Neutral Non-Killer
Neutral Killer

If that’s all I’m down to Host!

I’ll choose the roles then use RNG by the power of Google and see who gets what role.

This is gonna be fun!

Since FoL is the central format of our site, FoL hosts have historically been required to co-host an FoL prior to hosting (possibly more than one? not positive)


and it does have to be Actually Random according to the official randing procedure

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this is correct
or two sfols

Do my two GI games count

pretty sure you had to be main host