[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Aye to that.

Mountainous 15er - Took 11 days
JoJo Golden Wind - Took 13 days
D&D Cop13 - Unknown Fate
FoL 25 - Took 8 days
Cop13er - Took 15 days
Derps Grand Idea - Took 9 days
Old Ruins - Canned
Candlelight - Paused
ToS Mafia - Signups

Conclusion, the average game length recently is: 11.2 days. Additionally, all games only last long when hosted by Eevee, thatā€™s the other conclusion I have reached.


Hosted by Eevee instead


Turbo GI Musical - 1 hour

Turbo games doesnā€™t count apparently.


Does that mean my game are balanced or I am lazy host?

Probably both.


With Maxwell leaving the forums this can probably be taken out of the queue (unless someone else wanted to host it)

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we could see if the cohost would be up for it


i know you are currently reviewing a lot of games but are you still gonna host this now that maxwell is gone?

htm has also left the forums so we should probably get rid of his game
the equinox of bastard is coming
prepare yourselves

Try one game per two weeks.

can you be main host for this

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Sure thing and I see that I get Katze and Pug as co-hosts.

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@eevee-sama put this on the queue plz. Either Frost or I can host idc but get it on there


Firekitten made this topic, I wonder if mods can edit the OP?

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They can, if they are not sleeping. Donā€™t bother Chloe with stuff, but I think Aret would love to do it :slight_smile:

I donā€™t want to add things to the OP when I donā€™t know when the people doing the queue want them to happen :eyes:

You can put it into ā€œIn reviewā€ that doesnt do any damage.


eevee, am I allowed to do that? :eyes:

Stop stealing my eyes :angry:

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It were never your eyes reeeee