[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Ok make sure u update it when ur reviewing it, didnt know

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Yep, sorry.

Id be down, but I would prefer with her. It sucks idk what to do with it in limbo. As I can do it, but it doesnt feel right

How specific does it need to be? Iā€™m at a stage of ā€œGame idea down, no rolecards written or team match up, but 80% of ideas are readyā€

Just kinda claiming SFOL 69 as reviewer, even though its waiting til 68 sfols to pass before it can be allowed to play, as such I will also be grabbing a a third game to review.

@psychoneirik I will be your reviewer so can you send me your stuff for you game

basically we want games that are on the ready to review section be ready with everything. So if u have everything written down for roles but not the formatting it should be fine to get accepted for review, but the cards will need to be formatted and everything for it to pass. Like we want the meat and potatoes to be done the and be able to be seen. So OP, cards preformatted at the bare minimum, rand, and rules.

Wdym by preformatted? Like, I have the roles written down entirely, with abilities, but I donā€™t have pictures or colored text or anything like that.

I could see games being randed then reviewed leading to extreme angleshooting
If there is a reasonable possibility of a gamebreaking rand then it shouldnā€™t be allowed to exist

I can have that before the end of the week. No more than 2 days.

So thats what I would say is preformatted and is acceptable. Colors, formatted text, and pics are just the last bit and will be needed by end of review.

I meant like the percentage tables like a normal fol rand
Prerolled stuff is fine as like a D6 or like a Grande Idea needs to be checked by reviewer to make sure its ainā€™t busted or one sided

Good please do.

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Shall I just Pm you/send it when Iā€™m done?

Oh right I see. That makes sense.
I personally log all changes and randomisation methods anyway.

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no as I have a queue of games to review before yours. This is so its ready when we assign you one

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SFOL 63 has passed review

:confetti_ball: :congratulations::birthday:


ā€¦Someone remind me, do I have to post BotF III here for review, or is the process different since itā€™s a Miscellaneous?

I think you just post miscs?

Miscs donā€™t have to go on the queue


Their not moderated for the most part IIRC

You let the people in charge of the queue (eevee and Dat) know, so that we donā€™t have 6 people trying to run Miscs at once, but you donā€™t have to queue it

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Itā€™s always just long enough between games that I forget the procedureā€¦