[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

@eevee-sama @PoisonedSquid can @DatBird and I get one of those empty spots for starting either 24/04 or 1/05? Our setup is very, very close to being ready for review.
Also we need a reviewer assigned.

or if one of the new hirees might be willing to sign up to review this, that would be greatly appreciated. Dat can’t review his own game but I know there are three more.

Note that whoever reviews this game cannot play in it under any circumstances since it is 100% closed.

Me and marshal also need our game reviewed

  • SFoL 65: Duel of the Juggernauts
  • Host: N.1
  • Players: 23
  • Phases: 48/24
  • Type: SFoL
  • Description: SFoL 58 Hand of Byzantium as the Uninformed Majority, with no Champion, an Arbiter who cannot convert but still has his inpenetrable night immunity (that overwrites all of Justicar’s night vulnerabilities) that has all of the abilities of the Justicar as well, versus the SFoL 53 Syndicate as the Informed Minority, and the Syndicate’s Dreaming God lost wolf as well
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Are we supposed to add it to thread ourselves now

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The Syndicate Shall Return @Italy
Prepare Yourself

if so oops

Is adding it above games submitted in thread after ours acceptable


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Only way to balance
Town faction is busted too

Duel of two absurdly busted factions
Who shall win

Thoughts on the balance of this @Arete

it seems likely to be unbalanced and swingy

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How so

but I haven’t looked at it in detail

that has to be the highest power setup ever run on this site

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Indeed Lol

extremely high-power set-ups tend to be unbalanced and swingy even if both sides are high-power

also you will obviously need to tweak some of the details of the HoB classes since e.g. tailoring effects aren’t super useful on town

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Of course.