[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

@GGhana @Twil1ight @ChopChop

yall didn’t put your game in the list btw. So yeah do that, not my job


Send me your games

@Wazza’s Country FM can open for signups now and will not start til Newbie game is done

BOTF 5 Ides of Blood will open for signups later when Invitational ends. And can start whenever after that


@Amelia @EliThePsycho Blood on the Forums V can open signups and has the go-ahead to start.

glhf gamers


Reminder @ChopChop please send your setup to me.

Catgirl Jester Nightless was accepted and added to queue.

Return of the Darkness - Upick was accepted and added to queue.


Among us FM has been denied.

eevee is happy for helping to keep balance in the universe.


@Twil1ight 's SFoL 65: Reminiscence Of Adiart Village has passed review


@astand send me Umineko 2s info

Also it’s been a bit since last SFOL so if someone could tell me the proper number it be great

believe we’re on SFoL 65

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Rick and Morty FM has been denied.

eevee - killing setups since 2k12


@GGhana this cutie will try to review deny your setup.

Don’t let theirs cuteness deceive you.
Send every relevant information to eevee on DMs.


i am getting rid of henry stickmin FM
if intensify objects he must re-add it to queue, preferabley with different ideas
carry on

@Aelin Please send me your setup known only to the world as “Hyper” at this present moment. This is a threat.


Alright, it’s gonna be a few hours, I’m at work. Sorry

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Queue status / Site FM/FoL state of things discussion thread (Discuss stuff here instead of in the queue thread going forward)

Hyper has been denied.

Setup is open, and details can be requested publicly if neccecary.

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Actually, I’d slightly prefer if they weren’t if I’m going to potentially change it around.


Jojos Part 7 FM can open.

oh wait i already did that without asking

Also I said this in Valhalla thread but, right now we have an event with MC going on so we have Micro and Jojos open over there and will have JoatJoatJoat13 on here soon. Normal Queue Games wont open for a bit to accommodate those games and try and make this event great!

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