[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness v2.0 - Game ended! Mafia and Survivor wins!

4/10/1 - Beginning Role count
2/4/1 - Rolecount Now
Mafia - (2) MaximusPrime (D2), Soulshade55r (N2)
Town - (4) Sam17z (D1), Metereo (D2), Solic (N2), Isaac_Gonazalez (N3), Geyde (N3), WazzaAzza (N3)
Neutral - (1) GamerPoke

Just notes for myself
Pretender is infact a class, you just are really bad at looking for them

Then, I’m not sure if I want to join this wagon on SweetyCake.

/vote Mercenary

Im pretty confident that Sweety is Town that hasnt read the chat fully which is very normal in instances where someone replaces in. If they were scum, they wouldnt vote the confirmed neut and would hope to use them against the town but, instead they voted them. Which makes me highly confidant that they are town.

Which leaves… 2 Scum, 2 Town, and 1 Neutral. We can also remove the Neut which is GamerPoke.

So, that leaves… (I think)

H_Hjasik has been leading the lynching effort EXCEPT on that of a scum.
Don’t quote me on that though.

But, due to a number of factors, I need to reread and see if any cops specifically checked anyone or their results specifically

And btw, when I say the Neut is Gamer. I’M SEMIJOKING. Ok? Good. Now we can get on it. Maxwell/Gamer are the neuts (but im pretty sure its Maxwell but out of doubt, I say GamerPoke). If we ignore Maxwell/GamerPoke, We can cut it down to one wildcard, 2 town/1 scum or 1 scum/2 town with the non-neutral being scum.

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Accused Count Voters
SweetyCake 1/4 Magnus (2014)
Gamerpoke 1/4 H_Hjasik (2025)

If he havent have read thread he also would not have known that gamer is a neut claim

It was Sweety who voted me


Class is probably messing with votes
/vote sweety

You muppet.

Accused Count Voters
SweetyCake 2/4 H_Hjasik (2013), Magnus (2014)
GamerPoke 1/4 SweetyCake (2025)
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Nah it was a moderror

Magnus voted the year before he died

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we having 1-3 mafia right now
and that pretty bad, can anyone reclaim since im the replacement

I claim image

So who you think are scum?

Why did you vote gamer?

I got turned into a Vanilla Townie. That’s actually the only time I’m grateful for being vanillaized tbh

Get rekt noob

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Thats exactly why I think they are town