[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness v3.0 { Game end } - Mafia (MrEevee7/KyoDaz/Solic/htm) wins

If you haven’t read yet then answer me this after you have.

I’m trying to search for Kyo’s ability claim but if it’s true then probably Das.
I think James has been townier.

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If you are deciding to scumread me for that then let’s amplify that scumread except on you by 4x.

Oh my apologies I forgot one. In the very post you just accused me.

Have you finished reading the thread?

If so then please give a readlist soon.

This is also should be done by @Cheeki and @DasModel

Make sure you 2 give a readlist as well.

@Pokemonkidryan when you saw that there were role changing abilities in the game why did you assume vanilizer?

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i don’t like how no one is responding to my posts
i just hope you don’t forget insanity is conf scum after i die

It’s the most common one, isn’t it?
Or at least in games I’ve been in.

I very much doubt they have a mafia converter.
Perhaps there’s a cult, but if there is I’ll be concerned.

4 mafia 1 neutral 14 town
There is no cult

Cult Leader is a third party role. It’s a non-killing 3p that converts people to cultists. They win when they outnumber people. It’s not like Cult in ToL.



Yup, exactly what I was thinking about.
It’s possible but I’m hoping there’s no cult or vampires. I’m hoping it’s just a vanillizer.

what about universal backup amnesiac etc

Zombies don’t convert people into their faction btw.

Role-changing abilities.
I don’t think that’d count… Perhaps, but unlikely.
What are the chances out of all fun 3p that we have… An amne?

amne is fun

and amne doesnt have to be 3p in this game

It does. All third party roles are strictly third party.

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oh :joy::