[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness v3.0 { Game end } - Mafia (MrEevee7/KyoDaz/Solic/htm) wins

It doesn’t even exist, check the classcards.

wait what, thats a strange turn of events. both of his infos have even been correct

Tbh it’s strange but the class doesn’t exist so :man_shrugging:

Yes, Mimics vanillize. They steal the person’s role unless they are third-party which turns into amnesiac or mafia I believe in which case the Mimic vanillizes to villager. (this is running off of memory)
I think PKR may have gotten a role that sounded mafia-ish and decided to rename it.

/vote PKR

Accused Voters Count
PKR Solic, Datbird, KyoDaz 3/6

i wanna hear him defend himself

As do I however I don’t believe there is any defense for this.
Sure he can protest “That’s what was in my class card” but that isn’t going to flip the lynch is it? It’s unavoidable as people will be too scared to feel stupid if he actually is mafia and they just missed that obvious slip. It’s an unflippable lynch.

@Marshal has replaced in for Cheeki!

I’ll never start a game without at least two replacements again

Hey there. I’ll be doing reading + stuff and then get back to everyone on my thoughts and stuff

With three scum left imma /unvote
But @PokemonKidRyan get in here when u can. Ur prob sleeping

Accused Voters Count
PKR Solic, KyoDaz 2/6

Oh f lmao. It’s actual name is Clairvoyant (However tf you spell that word)
I kept saying Telepath because it learns things telepathically and I personally just can never remember that word.

My bad.

My defense is that despite being mistaken on the name of my role, my exact point on James still stands.

James has to be scum from my perspective but I wouldn’t vote him because I didn’t know what he was and there are roles which are harmful when lynched. So I wanted to wait first.

However James could’ve voted me at any time because I’d already claimed and it’d been backed up. James didn’t vote me despite the red check and knowing that voting me is safe? Why? Because it’d expose them as mafia. After all, atm it’s a 50/50.

I’m not sure if I believe this, sort of seems like an easy excuse to get out of an accusation.

In RM3, I was scum.
The post was the opposite of what it seems. Dont lynch Magnus, because he is scum. Lynch him because of knowledge, etc.

Null read.

You, centuries, (chosen by nether), Simon, Jmw. The only ones living with bread.

/vote pkr
Honestly, this game is great lol.

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Can we hold off votes until I’m done reading?
It wont be long but I want to make an opinion and have a say.

Wait Simon is in this game?