[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness v3.0 { Game end } - Mafia (MrEevee7/KyoDaz/Solic/htm) wins

Did PKR seem sort of surprised when he was accused?

Too lazy to look

He clarified what he meant but didnā€™t panic

Ritual Mafia? I was scum Shaman ā€”

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Does anyone know his last town/scum game that isnā€™t black flag or SFoL 51?

Simple 1 definitely is

I mean PKR here btw

Marshal, PKR, tbd

I skimmed pretty quickly and he was the literal meaning of scum that game.

Sheeps and OMGUS everywhere. And claimed a scum class. Barely any contributions. And super inactive.

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Iā€™m thinking from meta that James is a 100% Town imo.

Yea, I also consistently refer to my role as something different \s I also donā€™t see anything resembling telepathy in Clairvoyant description.

This is soo flimsy. ā€œI didnā€™t vote them, because they could be mafia jester.ā€ :smile: Exactly the same argumentation would apply to you.

Why wouldnā€™t you check Dat to confirm two at once :thinking: I donā€™t want a wasted check on me.

All of these can be faked with the extra information scum typically has and how generally vague they are. I just canā€™t wrap my head around how you would call your class differently multiple times unless it would be a fakeclaim.

Yeah, letā€™s not rely on roles that we might not have. :man_shrugging:

Hardclaims a scum classā€¦

Or rely on a class that we do have

Actually, itā€™s also possible scum has framer/tailors to specifically counter many invests

which means we can lynch Htm instead

OMGUS detected


How sure are you your check is legit and why? Take your check out of it and read PKR without it.

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On what nights did Kyo/Marshal invest?

I feel like Kyo was N2 and Iā€™d assume Cheeki did n1

Without my check, I would be split lynching James and pkr.

Neither is particularly trustworthy

But I was told ā€œmy target is a member of the townā€ so defend him I will.

We are not lynching pkr
End of story

N1 I think

Could you stop ā€œno reason tunnelingā€ me?