[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness v3.0 { Game end } - Mafia (MrEevee7/KyoDaz/Solic/htm) wins

Claims only really help mafia.


They arenā€™t.

Look at basically any game (like Sfol 48)

Town lostā€¦ why? Because they massclaimed D2

I think I was Fool that game?


mass claims d2 are never smart wtf are you doing

anyway idk what moth was doing, but if insanity does have a red check on conroy conroy should full claim

Hold on a sec .-.

Didnā€™t notice that I got replaced in :eyes:

Who is Conroy anyway?


No he wasnt, it was mreevee not sulit

Oh hes gone anyway

It is really late for me guys, sorry I will not be able to post until morning

Magnus, do you realise how scummy this makes you look

I literally did and confirmed Moth couldnā€™t have targeted me because Iā€™m an Avoider so Moth was unable to use an action agaisnt me thus Moth is lying.

@Magnus nice idea to claim but some roles can be town or scum. I know mine has been all factions before in FM games.


any role can be town or scum in this game since itā€™s rrm

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Welp, yes, he indeed tried to reaction test the heck out of your role.

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Who said I was actually telling the truth about my action though :eyes:

so whats the truth then?

I didnā€™t use an avoider ability on Moth but I now think Moth is town because of reaction