[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness v3.0 { Game end } - Mafia (MrEevee7/KyoDaz/Solic/htm) wins

magnus is lock scum btw. Needs to be lynched today

Yeah I agree with this

We should wait on @Magnusā€™s defence though.

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he was online but didnā€™t defend himself :upside_down_face:

They were dodging the questions at the time which is scummy imo, why would they dodge questions as town?

It wonā€™t but it is a possibilty and Iā€™d like to ignore people who act like jesters as we wonā€™t get any contributing things from them anyway and are a distraction.

Are you being serious? Like you yourself have admitted that they arenā€™t contributing and nowā€¦

I think that we should simply be ignoring of their posts in a sense.

They are trolling and thatā€™s it. Why do we need to make that the focus of our attention?


Other than the weird accusation on meā€¦ where else have they contributed?

Thatā€™s a good point, however Iā€™m more leaning that this is a usual Magnus-post.

Hmmā€¦ it could be, but I have honestly been trusting Dat since Day 1. He has been relatively townie and contributing.

They were contributing; itā€™s just some of their posts werenā€™t very helpful. The other posts were above-average quality though.

They were not a distraction at all. They had very good lines and after he felt he did his part he let others do their thing. I donā€™t understand how a few meme posts = Jester, not contributing

Trolling? Are you telling me that

Being able to out reads like this is trolling?

Furthermore I believe the reason they wouldnā€™t answer the questions about there reads is because they already have essentially.

However if they were to push on this fact people would just claim they were BSing. However this is how I get most of my reads as well.

Any scum can easily just state reads like this. And how have they explained any of their reads at all?

I do admit that they did explain their read on me though

Just not the other ones.

They just arenā€™t explaining anything and are constantly memeing

Town would explain why they townread or scumread something imo and I also believe scum would do that to get townread so = jester.

They claim to get most of their reads ā€˜from their gutā€™. They have no explaining of it, they just do. What scum would blatantly accuse someone of being mafia would evidence? Itā€™s too obvious and risky to do as scum.
However if you are still uncertain of why I townread him we can wait for Insanity to start giving out some lines.

Fair enoughā€¦ Iā€™m going to also wait on what Insanity says to get a definitive read.

This was a lot of contribution tbh. Even though I donā€™t think it contained that many good points, I think that this is a town that is trying to help.

They arenā€™t top or anything but they are still relatively townie to me.

I have literally claimed.
Thereā€™s no better defence than that.

P.E class.

Classes are NAI

Claims donā€™t make you confirmed.