[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness v3.0 { Game end } - Mafia (MrEevee7/KyoDaz/Solic/htm) wins

That’s strawmanning his strawman we’re soon going to reach unknown lands of argumentation


Whats strawmanning mean exactly, cause I want to make sure im understanding you properly

It’s a logical fallacy in which you present the opponent’s argument in a way to make it seem he is saying something else when in reality his argument is A/ stronger than what you’re presenting B/ something else


“A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent’s argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be “attacking a straw man”.

From Wikipedia as I’m too lazy to explain.

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I still don’t even know why you scumread me :joy:

Well is Kyo presenting that I scumread Alice for reading people. Yes, is he townreading Moths Day 1 for being very contributive. Yes. Do I say those make no sense or they are wrong, yes. I dont think thats starwmanning based on the definitions at all

Honestly people need to stop with the read statements and start giving actual explanations.

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One of you two is saying the other is saying the other is scum for reading someone when the truth is that his argument is that the other is scum for reading someone so quickly into the game (yh complicated)

no i believe kyo is saying they scum read you for scum reading read sharing

But I didnt, I scumread her for townreading so fast, when the one qouted she qouted had almost no town or scum motivation, it was all just explaining how mafia works with no D1 lynch. Thats not something I scumread or townread on people, so her townreading it is weird imo and I SR her for it. If thats SRing people for giving reads and not SRing the weird read in itself. I guess I dont even know how my own reads work i guess anymore

Gut plus, lack of early contributions, plus like the only push I remember you doing still is the Magnus one. Idk something about those two really makes my gut say scum

Kyo is looking opportunistic here

Can you explain why you scumread me?

Also yeah I agree, it’s looking a bit weird tbh.

yup. After explained the push isn’t very good at all


I’m thinking that Kyo is scum with Magnus and he is trying to save him from being lynched by directing attention to Dat


magnus would have to be a strong scum pr. but yeah i can see that existing as a scum team

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Aaahh I’m back, but I only have like 20 mins. :cry:

Read Kyos big post that u were looking forward to

Basically Magnus is lockscum and Kyo is looking like his scumate.