[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness v3.0 { Game end } - Mafia (MrEevee7/KyoDaz/Solic/htm) wins

Im disappointed hes a four, but I guess its because he voted ya

Wait what happens when a tie in votes happen?

random lynch

I donā€™t understand Sogā€™s motivation to do so from a town perspective.
Thatā€™s allā€¦ I think it was a bit sheepy.

The thing isā€¦ if dat is town, sog must be too
but if sog is town, dat isnt automatically town

so sog should go above dat if you are thinking of it that way

If you trust Dat then Sog is pretty much confirmed town.

:man_shrugging: hey at least its VI, not scum

True, yeah.

Iā€™d say 4.5 (Because Iā€™m upset enough not to put at 5 due to it being sheepy) but at the same time 5 is sorta mid and theyā€™re just enough below mid for me to put them at a 4 if rounding.

10 is lock town
1 is lock scum

JIC that wasnā€™t clear.

Also am I like this unreadable?

Like every game I get put into null

its because nobody cares about you

idk the answer but i am kinda nullreading you too

Stop saying that! I know itā€™s true but itā€™s mean

Tbf youā€™re a bit of a wildcard Htm. Thatā€™s why.
Youā€™re a good player as scum or town. It makes it hard to discern.

I need to sleep, itā€™s quite late here. I pray that the lynch is mafia. Thought it definitely seems in my dreams considering how the votes have decided to flow in.
Goodnight everyone!

Goodnight. I pray that you wake up pleasantly surprised by a james lynch.

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I pray that the James lynch actually flips maf or else we have to repeat all this with me v Kyo tomorrow and weā€™d lose if we mislynch. (Since if James is town, theyā€™re probably not lying about being Baker, right?)


As either allignment he seems to not lie about his role


He literally outted his scum class in RM3

Iā€™m hoping itā€™s a fake. The only reason I have hope at this time if that it was a completely self-preservation opportunity there and they chose a role that could be considered self-preservy

I remember thatā€¦

eehhā€¦ im not sure james is truth telling about being maf baker.

as maf baker they probably just give it to their scumbuds, meaning visits would contradict with what they said anyways.

they could be lying about being baker overall and instead a different mafyaaa

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