[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!


James - Bazingaboy, Magnus - 2/8
LadyThamasa - BlueStorm, Kai_5, James - 2/8
BlueStorm - Mathblade 1/8

Itā€™s not a matter of trust/not trust. I trust my reads. Itā€™s a matter of not letting my reads outshine the right play. I am an opinionated dude but I have to let strategy win out. Itā€™s a matter of if I go with my gut I am ignoring what is +EV.

If Lady gets lynched donā€™t get me wrong I am hella happy. But at the same time if I am wrong we lock up the next days lynch.

why do you not want to worry about a lynch :eyes:

?? I donā€™t follow. I do worry. ??

Probably have the most worry that my reads get understood actually. I think you know them but mainlyā€¦Itā€™s a difficult thing to communicate.

that post just pinged me so hard as scum tbh

if math flips scum let it be known this post fucked him

Okay. It did. So? Are you going to assume I am scum with Lady T then?

How does this change your play today?

Tomorrow I have a strong feeling your ping will go away. It will make sense.

iā€™m beginning to throw math in the null bin tbh

I can see a Lady/Math/??? scum team honestly. This could be distancing to try to spew the other as town upon the others flip?

thatā€™s my thought

Okay follow that up. Does this change your action today yes or no?

Assume I am scum with Lady T. How does this impact the other people. What reads?

Go through all possible combos.

Youā€™ll be better served looking at town me combos but youā€™ll see later imho

It doesnā€™t really, i find lady as scum in more worlds than you are. If lady flips scum which iā€™m near certain of, i suggest we all take a good look at math.

I agree. Take a long hard look at me tomorrow whoever we lynch. I think youā€™ll find the comment has a lot different context than youā€™re thinking

probably. am misreading it likely it is like a bit past midnight

And I know you are but at the same time the feeling is there. Donā€™t discount feelings. Figure out why you have them. You may have reached the wrong conclusion from the right feeling.

Excellent reads there.

/vote BlueStorm

Did you fall on your head when you were a child or were you born this way?

Why the fuck would I lie about a fucking red check on Blue at the SoD? Iā€™ve been softing this so damn hard and itā€™s fucking obvious Blue knows the check is real.