[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

Lady. Regardless of your anger/alignment/reasons insults like that are not allowed on this site.

So Htm/James/Blue.

I stand correct.

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If you want to reach Kai youā€™ll have to use another way.

I got the Geyde flip correct. I fucking told you twats that he was V and he was still mislynched.

Itā€™s called not being shit at this game and being able to effectively read people. The rest of these forums should try it sometime.

If he wants to lose us the game, I donā€™t care.

Look I got Geyde wrong I admit that. Insults like this are only going to make people not care. I am in the process of adjusting my reads.

Can you please take the vitriol from a 1000 to a 2?


Iā€™ll be making a huge BlueStorm case shortly.

I am telling you if youā€™re town and want Bluestorm lynched youā€™re gonna have to quit calling people idiots or suggesting they are mentally deficient.

Each person is different.

If I showed you my work on the Collatz Sequence then called you an idiot if you didnā€™t understand what a piecewise function is or proof by contradiction or by induction were and then disregarded your input entirely that would be horrible.

If you continue down this track people will not care about any claims softs or actions you have taken.

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Jesus H Beans

I have never seen so much swearing in an ISO as I have in LTs

Even a quick glance and thereā€™s a curse in almost every one

Cursing is fine.
I have the fucking mouth of a sailor.
Itā€™s the respect here.

I am trying to reevaluate Lady. Itā€™s hard to get a sense of who she is underneath all the insults.

Fine, but this is just downright disrespectful.

Okay while I agree with the words this is scummy AF.

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Nah I think this is much more entertaining :popcorn:

Blue start out the match by making a stupidly hedge-y statement on Baz, which is a common wolftell.

And then repeatedly started making excuses about not having any reads.

Again, heā€™s been talking about Htm the entire game without voting. This is obviously fucking distancing.

Again, keep in mind that both Geyde and Bazinga flipped V or have been greenchecked. This is an obvious attempt at Blue spuirring chain mislynches.

Lack of logical progression here as it doesnā€™t make sense for him to go to PKR when he already claimed he wolfread Htm.

Why exactly would an Enchanter be a good sacrifice? This was a terrible sacrifice regardless how you frame this.

This is a very convincing fakeclaim considering that Blue did catch on that I had a red-check on him last night.

Went straight for me when I outed my red check without considering I were FPSing or a framing. A villager would not react and lash out so strongly as this.

Again, were I FPSā€™ing and heā€™d know it as he were a villager then Iā€™d drop it mid-day. He knows that the check is likely real so he is trying to make me drop it.

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Youā€™re bringing up points I have already addressed.

Meanwhile youā€™re getting me to consider a frame more than youā€™re getting yourself to.

This smacks of essentially getting me to give you an out for when I flip V.

Reading this, this is a much better way to phrase things and can help people improve.

Reading is a skill I work on all the damn time. Being told I am an idiot without why (or burying it under anger) doesnā€™t help.

This however does. Give me some time to look over that. This is a much more positive direction people can learn from.

Hereā€™s the thing. If my check is either false or framed, why do you insist on thunderdoming me despite the fact that at the SoD I was in the top of your villagereads?

There is no scenario in which your check is both true and not framed.

Ah, you changed your post.

Either way I have repeated why I did so multiple times in the thread. Go search for it, I donā€™t much like being your personal broken record player.

Youā€™ve been lashing out as a caught wolf in this case. A villager would have not have went straight for me and instead would either.

A) Consider that Iā€™m FPSing rather than Iā€™m a wolf as you did previously wolfread me.

B) Consider that they were framed.

As I said before. Your reaction implies that you knew that the check was true from the start and thunderdoming me is the only way for you to survive at least one more night.