[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

i think there’s actually a Heretic with a simmilar ability, my memory of when I first passed the setup through review is hazy enough that I’m not quite sure.

FYI. Fireslol was on the wagon before the EoD.

He’s likely V here because lolmeta.

Just read through Heretics and Traitor cards it’s actually Lamb’s Void ability 100%.

There’s only really space for two wolves at an absolute maximum on the htm wagon based on the clears we have, wouldn’t you say?

Lady — You seeing what I am seeing? Just yes or no. Don’t elaborate?

It’s what I noted earlier on d2. Much of the wagon is either.

A) Players who flipped V as in Geyde and Marcus.
B) Players who are mechanically cleared as V as in Bazinga.
C) Players who I have a very strong village read on such as Fires and Kai.

Wolves were likely not on Htm’s wagon d1.

I may be seeing what you are.

Good. However I am asking Lady for a reason.

Duh, of course I am.

I’m trying to figure out what kind of behaviour a large but ultimately unsucessful wagon on a wolf would have, and I haven’t found a way where htm being a wolf and yet he isn’t bussed or distanced on makes sense yet.

Then you know what I would suggest then? I am being obtuse for a reason. Just yes or no again.

the problem is that the conflicting scenario also makes no sense; a pure htm wagon which has no wolves up until the seventh vote that isn’t hammered by the wolves is just as implausible.

lolwolves is one explanation, but the more likely explanation is that we’ve cleared somebody on the htm wagon who shouldn’t be cleared.

Ici, who do you think Lamb used their ability on?

Clarify it.

Except pure wagons on townies happen.

Just because it’s rare doesn’t make it impossible.

You sure? This is a risky thing if I do.

Why do you believe Htm is village in this case?

Absolutely none of those three choices make sense. Kai and James don’t have good enough instincts that their vote would be removed and Blue is outed wolf. I think it’s just a miscount on the VC.

I’m more comparing a scenario where htm is a wolf whoose partners don’t bus him with a scenario where he’s a villager who the wolves don’t vote for, and neither of them make sense.

@MathBlade do you seriously believe that the htm wagon is actually pure? It’s theoretically possible but I seriously doubt it.

You guys do realize that the vote canceling is for Rituals, not lynches. Right?