[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

Pretty much so.

I haven’t trusted Math all game at all, especially after the bullshit with Geyde, and for him to be so insisting in lynching Blue or me gives me the feeling that this could potentially be a setup.


I have to get ready.

Just hopefully you both didn’t miss the pillows surrounding me and you and Ici can take up the mantle of lynching Dat tomorrow assuming Blue flips scum.

No you won’t.

You’re going to lynch Lady T after I flip town or so help me

People didn’t trust Joan of Arc either. What can I say. I am like a modern day crusader fighting for what the teachings of traditional reputable sites.

And then you can lynch Birb

But I want the instigator of my flip to pay.

If you wanna lynch me for it tomorrow I dare you to fuckin try. It will be really really hard,

Why are you getting so angsty about someone wanting to lynch within a thunderdome, it’s far and away the right play?

Das gibt’s doch gar nicht.

I’m going to do my german revision now. See you in a while, everybody.

Translate please I am on mobile

Why haven’t you realized what I’m implying?

In fact that makes me believe that Lady T wants to drag this out and form a wagon on Math after I flip to save her hide even more.

Same could be said of you not seeing what I AM implying

Lynching outside of you and Blue makes no sense as the chance of you both being town is crazy low.


Don’t worry. That won’t happen. If you are town and she is scum just laugh. Because she will fail so bad it ain’t even funny

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It’s a german phrase used to mean “I don’t believe that”, but it translates literrally to English as “that cannot possibly exist”, which lead to the Bielefeld conspiracy, which is amonst my favourite old-school memes.


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Hypothesis; because Lady T knows I’m flipping town, she is going to frame Math as having framed me N1

Right or wrong is irrelevant.

If this is the case your town flip will seal that theory as impossible.

If this is not the case we lynch scum you. Win win.

Driving home now, will contribute more when I get back.

Time for a joerb for me.

We are lynching Blue