[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

I see I’m all alone in thread. Well, I might as well make a bit of analytical progress while I’m here; although it’s not exactly like anybody really reads these posts.

orrr maybe not. It’s hard to get the WiM to post majorly right now, and all I end up being able to conjure up are a few gut points.

I think LT is village but I’m going to consider her extremely carefully simply because Math’s reads aren’t total shit and should be considered as a possibility; listening to the reads of dead villagers is a thing that should be done, after all.

I think we should lynch James.

I think James w is a possibility but it’s not high on my agenda currently; I think that if he’s wolf he’ll be fucked by PoE and we can leave him alone for now. We might get a peek on him if really neccecary, but personally I think there are way better people to peek.

Besides, we’re lynching within Blue/Thamasa today. I don’t see a scenario where that isn’t a good idea.

I suggest we ritual Baz right now. He’ll survive apparently and this gives village a good advantage.

Magnus is a far better choice; Having a ton of gaurenteed villager actions going through is SUPER good for us.

Except it’s not a good idea when he’s thunderdomed.

Didn’t you rescind your Medium claim?

Yes, you did. Then you’re not thunderdomed. You two have been pointlessly starting vanity wagons on each other all game, so it’s entirely possible that you’re both villagers.

Quite frankly, though, I have no fucking clue what you’ve been doing all game. You should really try… not gamethrowing?

I’m not gamethrowing. This is genuinely a new strategy I’ve been trying to find scum more easily. Works extremely well in Town Of Salem.

right, here’s the thing
claiming wolf D1 then fakeclaiming random classes is so fucking common that the wolves just ignore it.

Exactly. So anyone who doesn’t mention it is likely wolf.

I think you misunderstand. By ignore, I mean “post a conclusion on it and then walk away”. Do you want to know what villagers do when they see people wolfclaim in the thread?

They post a conclusion on it and then walk away.

sigh I think it’s entirely possible that this whole routine was fed to James because the wolves know what makes people read people as village for bad reasons on this forum. In any case, Magnus is v, so voting him for Ritual is a good play/.

I would, but there’s matter of a possible shaman.

Incorrect. You weren’t claimed yesterday, and Shaman can only switch rituals at night. Before today, you were so unremarkable in terms of your posts that the wolves probably only just now remembered you existed.

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Not only that, but James hasn’t been around long enough in the thread for this to have been of any benefit to him.

@James you said it was good for finding scum. Who did you find, then?

I peeked Lady last night and they came up village so i’m shit at scum reading.

Okay, so if LT is a wolf she’s exactly Traitor. What do you think the odds are on LadyThamasa being lost wolf?

The only other possibility is that the last two wolves are exactly LadyThamasa and Kai which is… doubtful, to say the least.