[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

Stream of conscioness is my bread and butter Geyde. You know this

I am looking through a kaleidoscope and I see scum in Thalas and Gyede

Is stream of consciousness necessarily useful at this point when you have tunnel vision?

I donā€™t see scum in Thamasa. She had pretty solid reasoning to vote you, regardless of whether you think it was nothing, it wasnā€™t nothing.

I donā€™t see you lecturing Solic whenever he gets tunnel vision.

Hereā€™s the point Geyde

I was ready to TR you if you said that you thought my progression was awkward because it was fast
You said I knew the answer already. Thatā€™s false. I donā€™t know the answer.

If youā€™ve made the conclusion in your mind there is no point on continuing discussion with me.

Also Thamasa is comparable to Alice so I wouldnā€™t recommend approaching reading them lightly

Then youā€™re claiming scum.

You seriously didnā€™t see that post.

Youā€™re saying youā€™re perfectly happy being scumread here, am I wrong?@LadyThamasa

This is what I meant by you already know.

Opportunistic =/= scummy in my mind. Town is opportunistic all the time

Did you mean my vote was scummy?

You arenā€™t listening to my points, and I canā€™t read you off of it.
By not taking my suggestions to calm down you get confirmation bias which leads to misreads.

Opportunistic by definition is associated with scum

Well I didnā€™t understand that.

That wasnā€™t so hard was it?

Now I will take your advice and come back, Iā€™m not removing my vote on you though.

It was painful and frustrating.
I still recommend you eating a Snickers ā„¢ because youā€™re not you when youā€™re hungry

Snickers suck tbh.

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Kit Katā€™s are way better.