[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

Hey you know what, I’m an idiot

Why the hell did I think Marcus flipped Minister?

Why didn’t you push him d1?

PKR grabbed my attention at the time.

Now backtrack.

Marcus, the Witch Doctor faked Minister because they read me as minister. I did not say I ought to be confirmed. I said it ought to be considered. Do you disagree now or what?

Thanks for slipping that Marcus was the Minister.

But he wasn’t though…? He was Witch Doctor…?
Your own points sorta back it up from before.


LT, what are you doing here

I made a mistake in remembering Marcus’ flip

Does Seer even have a flip changer?

Quite sure that there’s a very high chance that this happened, Marcus was a legit Minister, and Blue slipped that information.

Well no, LT

Because you visited me

Nah, that’s outright jumping from 1 to 100.
Most people on these forums would know who that Minister message comes from.

And you know this, how?

Due to their claim by the sounds of things… Doesn’t take rocket science.

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Gonna have to stop you right now LT.

And why would he put that there?

I don’t think people would immediately jump to conclusion of there being a forger.

While you’re there read the Minister message and tell me it’s not obvious who Minister is.

Nah fam, Minister sent a message in chat, not died.

You’ve had a role like this in the past, haven’t you?

If I’m remembering correctly can I get a link to a game where you were able to do public messages?

Please feel free to link it.

Blue, stop avoiding my question.

How did you know that I visited you last night?

Because I had you do so.