[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

Currently my ritual vote is on PKR. We need to discuss out and out who to vote for this phase, as we still get like 48 hours after this phase to discuss who may or may not be scum.

@LadyThamasa here

Frankly, Iā€™d rather we sac Kai/Wazza to help us sort people, but thanks to PKR we kind of need to sac him or heā€™s pretty much dead.


Yep. If people donā€™t vote me this phase I HAVE to reveal at lynch phase and GOAT it

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Iā€™d rather Sac Geyde

The scum whose ritual abilities are turned off so no convert.

I donā€™t think PKR is minister

At this point real minister would have revealed tbf.

Read his SoD message. Read the non-stop shit that PKR has been spouting the thread.

It fits.

Heā€™s a Minister.

We need to sac him or heā€™s dead tonight.

I do think PKR is more likely traitor than mafia.

I wholeheartedly disagree with this statement. I think if one existed it would soft.

If traitor is lynched to maf get a new member.

They dont lol

Lets just aim for traitor

Lets ritual PKR then

Thereā€™s mod-confirmed proof that a Minister exists. Read the SoD.


I donā€™t care about what ā€œfitsā€ or ā€œfeels goodā€ I care about reality. And I donā€™t see PKR minister fitting with reality. An unprompted claim something you supposedly hate and youā€™re not even questioning it.

Yes I just donā€™t think itā€™s PKR.

Then why post this?

Who is it then
If ANYONE wants to claim Minister.
Claim now or vote me.

He kept asking us to sac him and thatā€™s exactly what the Minister said at the SoD.