[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!


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Do not post my dudes.

sorry my forum bugged:


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PokemonKidRyan was found dead last night. They were:

The Minister

Unique Congregation Social
Vulnerable (Passive) - Attacks against you will bypass healing.
Ritual of True Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the game.
Reveal (Day) - Reveal as the Minister in order to make your votes count as 4 for the current phase, but your Ritual abilities will be permanently disabled. Can be used on either the Ritual or Lynch phases. - 1 use.
Preach (Night) - Send an anonymous message to the whole court at the beginning of the next day. - Unlimited uses.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

We couldnā€™t find a logbook.

Mathblade was found dead last night. They were:

The Martyr

Congregation Support
Ritual of Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the day.
Ritual of Penitence (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, select up to three players and give each of them one of the following abilities:

Contrition (Day) - Select a player, they will be healed tonight. 1 use.
Confession (Day) - Send an anonymous message to a player. 1 use.
Penance (Day) - Select a player, they will be occupied tonight. 1 use.

Penitence (Night) - Select a player. The effects of this ability are different depending on how many times you have used it on the same player. Unlimited uses.

  • First time: Contrition - Heal your target.
  • Second time: Confession - Check your targetā€™s class type.
  • Three or more times: Penance - Attack the player.

Absolution (Night) - Kill yourself in order to heal everyone else. 1 use.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.


First of all, damn it was so close to lynching Lady properly but at least we got DatBird scum out of it.

Secondly I hope my sacrifice was worth it and Kai got off his checks. If not then at least you know one of the once a game abilities had been used. I hope you understood I was suiciding Kai and that you didnā€™t check me.

Thirdly Lady figured out I was suiciding and stopping the kill so the only way to stop the check was to block him and let protectives save him which punts the ball down another night to where I could charge my vig.

Fourth I maintain no apologies on manipulating Lady into outing the check was fake. I had several crumbs to my class the biggest was Joan of Arc.

Originally when I thought Lady was telling the truth I tried working with her but then she kept fucking shit up.

My original N1 action was to heal Lady T in case I needed to vig her later. Guess that wonā€™t be a thing now.

The interactions towards saving what is absolutely a scum claim by Ici and Hippo need further examining. Itā€™s either they knew Lady is town or are saving a scum buddy. No experienced town fucking rescinds like that at the last minute.

There is absolutely something going on in those three and Iā€™ll be damned if I can figure out what. I am so pissed at Lady T right now it makes it hard to go through those posts for associatives.

Gut feeling is Lady DatBird Ici/Hippo/Htm

Yet I donā€™t think itā€™s Ici/Hippo together. I think Ici would have distanced more.

Gut feeling is Lady DatBird Hippo Htm

Furthermore with DatBird saying they blocked me I think they were trying to make me look bad and thought I had a guilty on Lady.

If someone else dies tonight then one of scum used their once a game abilities. As loathed as I am to admit it might be worth a mass claim to catch them since no convert possibilities without ritual then ritual in the group whose abilities were confirmed then lynch in those who werenā€™t.

I hope my sacrifice means Kai lives and got off some useful checks. Good luck town.

And in a way scum did shoot me. Sorta.
This is also why Lady wouldnā€™t be able to push me.

The Minister sent a message:

Hello everyone! So as you know by now, your minister has a sword and shield. Furthermore I ask that you work out my special message to help further: Take an Americanised game youā€™d see in Kakegurui. Ignore the middle of my name. Thatā€™s confirmation but I guess itā€™s not the same.

Day 3, Ritual Phase has started and will end in 24 hours. Please send your votes in your classcard.

A replacement is still needed, if no one takes the slot by the end of the next night, it will be modkilled.

You have to got be shitting me. The exact moment I come back, day 3 begins. UGGGGGHHHH

Yeah, Iā€™m really not sure what Math was thinking, saccing themselves when the Minister was the obvious kill last night.

Definitely worth seeing who Kai has as their check and also I would advocate a sac for myself or Kai personally, as we would not lose a member of the Congregation if I were sacced and Kai would be able to narrow down some PoE by targeting one of our less sure suspects.

Alright. I have some info to share.


I didnā€™t want to earlier, but Geyde has some info he passed on to me.

Are you medium dude

Iā€™m Medium.
According to Geyde, Dat was visibly upset in dead chat. His opening statement was ā€˜aaaaaaahhhhhh Literally I SUCK AT SCUMā€™. This wasnā€™t fake emotion, as Geyde was able to calm him easily. This suggests that the early voters on the dat wagon are villagers. Basically, initial dat voters cleared, thunder dome was v/v, bus the last few voters. Geyde is sus of Math.

Well math is dead so nice try geyde

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Anyway you need to find a post and @james needs to prove he can quote it perfectly. Find a numbered posts and make james type it out word for word. Can you do that? You two are now effectively thunderdomed if you james canā€™t do this.

James also claimed medium

Wait did James claim Medium?

Thatā€™s meta.