[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

:eyes: I donā€™t like that you didnā€™t correct me that itā€™s Change of Faith.

iā€™ve barely slept and and im exhausted. sue me

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James has been sacrificed. They were (CLEANED)

Lynch Phase has started and will end in 48 hours or when majority is reached.



AFAIK thereā€™s literally no class that can clean a death, ritual or otherwise.

who did dis?


James was probably this.

Which means weā€™re likely back to 2 heretics and a whole lot of WIFOM, as well as checks not mattering anymore.

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Okay we need to stop fucking snoozing and figure out what to do.

Iā€™m super pissed rn

We went from fuck knows how many posts on D2 to less than 100 during the ritual phase of D3

This is extremely bad for town.

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Didnā€™t we try sacrificing me? Or baz?

Well judging by the lack of activity, one would surmise that there was a lack of ritual votes being cast

Which means wolves piled their votes onto James

Which means a Heretic was just sacrificed.

Which also means that people need to start picking up on who the most likely target for conversion is here

So it is imperative that literally everyone contributes. I have to sleep, but Iā€™m doing a mass ping rn, excluding yourself Magnus because youā€™re here and aware.


Wake up itā€™s time to fucking panic

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PANIC button.

Magnus, who do you think is likely to be the convert here? Like, who does James convert?

Maybe donā€™t say it yet. Our discussion might sway his decision.

No, he will have already converted by now. Thatā€™s how it works.

Also I excluded Lady T from this because hrm hrm hrm.

Who was on most peopleā€™s town reads?

so glad to see my checks are now moot.

Right, better question

Who is starting scum with James? Since itā€™s basically really freakinā€™ obvious that heā€™s scum, we should look for associations if there are any, and focus on the convert later

Whoā€™s cleared from being starting heretic, Kai?