[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

I just think that your opening post being a serious vote alongside being emotionally charged directly afterward in a super defensive way isn’t a good look.

Sorry if I get sassy, just finished watching all cutscenes of Jak II. Good times

What’s wrong with the opening post being a serious vote part?

I can see a way Blue is town is what I’m saying.
He comes in with super high WiM and suddenly starts sucking immediately as scum?

Scum like to lynch scummy town
Town aren’t sure whether player is scummy town or scum.

Doing it instantly is extremely fast progression. Most scum have awkward progression.

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Alright, but I think there’s something else behind it too, too soon to say.

Let’s wagon him

It’s been a LONG time since I could push a good wagon after pretty much every wagon in triple threat was forced

Fast progression = awkward progression is what you’re saying?

Fast progression isn’t inherently scummy.
Instant vote progression comes off as opportunistic since it had no buildup.

If you notice I suck at explaining

This is a problem

Yes, but you said awkward progression was scummy

Have I made awkward progression on Blue or not?

Why do you post this as Town
You already know the answer

Yes I can read your mind Geyde /s

Answer the question and stop being difficult

Hot take: Geyde is taking his time with a stance because he wants to stay out of the limelight

@Geyde hello?

My internet went down

Ah, hope it comes back alright

Reread around your entrance.
It’s less me being difficult and more me not responding to you trying to force this interaction.

Posts like these come off like you have already made your mind about reading me.
If you’re interacting with me then there usually should be a reason for it.

Essentially, if you’re Town, stop trying to force it.

You should change your name to Thamasa then haha. Gonna call you Asa instead cause your reads are Asanine lol

Cool it.