[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

This “clearing players is bad as it only creates a hitlist for the wolves” idea is absolutely untrue. You clear players in order to solve the game by creating a PoE. I don’t think you’d say this were you village.

No. I thought their slot was scum. Kai came with that greencheck today.

Also, can anyone please tell me why people were wolfreading Baz d1? His overly confident push on Geyde based on a gutread made him obviously town Baz.

About halfway through today, I was going to figure out a way to push Blue because my thoughts at that time made Blue!w the only feasible possibility. Then Alice came into thread and pointed out that you being wolf is entirely possible, which is a suspicion that you have done absolutely nothing to dampen.

I’m sure you think many things. I could even quote games where I specifically said that, because that is my philosophy.

I’d clear Blue if he would get lynched. Can you in good faith say that that would have happened today had I said nothing? :eyes: I don’t think so Alice. :eyes:

Dude, I cleared Blue before you said anything while there was still suspicion on him. You haven’t been helping the village at all this match.

Has it occured to you, Solic, that I’ve been tunneling you because I know you to produce villagery responses at the last fucking second? Absolutely nothing has come back but flailing.

I don’t think we can get anything more from Solic except for a red flip. You all collectively have my permission to hammer.

Okay Ici, continue with your horribad gameplan of immediately outing greenchecks of your personal “PoE”.

I stand by my decisions and my fucking blood is also on your hands if you don’t freaking unvote me already.

Solic, please quicklynch yourself. :wink:

The point is that you were pressured to claim but you didn’t claim the green check.

You instead claimed something that gave absolutely no info on the person who you had a green check. I don’t suggest immediately outing all green peeks immediately; but I do suggest outing any that you have when you’re pressured to claim instead of claiming roleblocker as tracker.

No, NOO NOOOOO, I will not be mislynched on this misguided bullshit. What is your actual damning case on me here, because I see nothing.

Explain to me how outing that would have been beneficial.

EXPLAIN IT. Freaking do it.

And paradoxically, I’ve actually done even that now… because you put me at L-1 for no reason.

Because, Solic, Blue. Was. Still. In. The. PoE. Nobody thought Blue was clear. You “knew” he was, but you didn’t out it.

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Because. Ici. Blue. had. zero. votes. and. several. players. townread. him. after. outing. his. class.

It’s not a be-all end-all play, but if you’re told to claim and you HAVE A GREEN CHECK, you don’t fakeclaim. If you didn’t have a green check, I’d excuse it. But you did have a green check, and yet you conveniently claimed one of the few classes that would not only make Blue not clear but made it actively possible that he was a wolf.

I’m also not just Tracker, I’m a freaking Oracle, cursed role. Claiming Oracle almost eliminates how useful it is. My claim was good and I’m literally baffled, why you don’t see this.

Yes, “we think you’re a wolf” isn’t a valid reason at all. Solic, you’re not doing anything more than making me and Alice cleared from being the convert with all this flailing.

Just because someone tells me to claim, doesn’t mean I will lol. Three votes of pressure is nothing I can’t handle, but yes freaking sue me if I’m put at L-1 that the truth comes out.

I’ve only been put at L-1 as town once, which was my very first game here.