[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

I’m voting bluestorm yolo @Mercenary activate it

You’re also saying this despite us not knowing what you even are.

This doesn’t really prove much, tbh as anyone could be fakeclaiming in this case.

Fireslol just sticks out the most as he fits in the OG’s class and has been completely useless in gamesolving for the entire match.

I am thou,
Thou art I.

As above
So below

Thou art not helping anything here.

You said “let’s talk mechanics” earlier but won’t bother us with your claim.

Unless you’re claiming Enchanter as I am.

Now the dead howled and raged, for they were unperfected.


Plus, I am fully cleared of being the OG Heretic, so this means that there isn’t as much risk of sacrificing me and unsolving the game.

Then explain LT’s business early D2 to me.

She didn’t even target you n1. She used Mind Control on Hippo to HTM.

Bluestorm if you could vig shoot two people right now who would it be

Fires for one, and I’m not sure about the other shot but Fires is a definite first shot.

This checks out, Math said something about LT making associations between Hippo and Htm start of D2.

What’s your N3?

I’m also going to RP as LT from now on.

You all dumbasses need to fucking sacrifice me otherwise the wolves are going to unsolved the damn game again because you little shits didn’t bother voting anyone D3.

So just fucking sacrifice me already, dickboy.

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We already know Alice is not starting heretic but I think they are convert my spidey senses are tingling

I fucking redirected you to Magnus, dipshit.

Very powerful roleplaying

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When you say you redirected me

Did you redirect me or did you hrm hrm hrm