[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

Except I did accuse Hjasik. I accused Hjasik right out of the gate as soon as I knew it was her.

Don’t try and rewrite history.

I don’t know.

Like your pushes have been aggressive and town-centred but I know I’m not a Heretic, and you seem hellbent on misrepresenting how I acted in FoL21 as opposed to how I’m acting here, where there is no difference.

The only person saying that I wasn’t pushing on Hjasik in that game was Alice, when that’s practically all I was doing until I got a check showing Alice and Math as incompatible.

Let’s put it like this.

Considering how the frame works in this game, I would be a good target for it since it also tries to roleblock the player. The less mechanical information I personally have available to me to work with, the better it is for scum.

Again who are you pushing right now?

Except clearly he didn’t by the post I cited. So again why are you gaslighting and instead of walls talking about everyone who are you actually saying is scum? What are you actively doing?

Lol this is such BS. Reads like “I know Lady is scum and don’t want to push them but I have been townreading/defending Lady too hard better make it a 1v1 for when we kill/mislynch Math so we aren’t fucked”

Reads lists are not alignment indicative. You are so much better than the BS you are putting out

Disagree. Imho this was a townblock stopping kill.

The reason I say a volunteer is two fold:

  1. If it is scum and scum get a convert scum made that choice and we get info from that choice. Say if Lady volunteered and flipped scum we would learn a lot from that.

  2. If it is town then some players are made for ritual moreso than others. This is a good way at distribution of power that scum can’t stop.

So here’s where I’m at.

The check is obviously real if you haven’t gotten it by now. But the question is whether it was framed or not.

However, since there are framing effects in this match then, as I said above, there is a chance of you flipping V.

Here’s the two things thing that sticks out like a sore thumb to me.

Why exactly did the thought of me being a FPSing villager or that you have been framed immediately escape your mind? Your thought process to thunderdome follows more of a caught wolf who knows that the check is real and that they’re dead, which is why you suddenly lashed at me despite being considered one of your top village reads previously.

Were I FPSing, why were you so bothered about me doing it either way? Were I FPS’ing I’d have dropped the act by the end of the Ritual Phase to prevent a lynch based on fake information. I’m not a troll like Hjasik that does random shit for funsies that can fuck up my wincon.

You pulling that post up really makes me think it was a frame on me, actually.

Lady T’s posting shows that either it was a premeditated plan from the start to get me mislynched as scum, or more likely perhaps, that they did get a redcheck on me and I was framed.

This is such BS.

That is a fish and you know it. You were trying to make Htm seem more absolute than he was. There was 0 reason for a claim there as we still could have lynched literally anyone else.

I’m running things back. I tend to have a one-track mind and as I said, I recently came out of a game where I was falsely redchecked so naturally that’s my first thought.

I’ve also calmed down and I’m trying to look at things from a separate angle. The fact that the frame has a roleblocking element to it makes much more sense as to why I would have been the target.

I don’t think of the red check is genuine Lady brings it up now. I think she would wait for the lynch phase. We are still in ritual phase. We have to figure out who we are ritualing and need the universal suggestion/volunteer to make sure what we want happens instead of what scum want

I’m not 100% sure what the question is trying to gleam from me here. Can you explain it a bit more?

For most of the time where I revealed my check on you, you never once believed that I was FPSing.

I think how she also puts “there’s a chance of you flipping villager” in it also indicates deep down she townreads you or st the very least thinks this is the wrong play.

Imagine if I went “I have a cop check on Lady” and then said she would possibly flip villager

She softed the check quite early on as seen in her readslist (I did miss that earlier).

What makes you say she would save it for the lynch phase?

Mind reading the class cards?

There are actually plenty of framing effects that do not make it impossible for Blue to flip V.

Like I said, literally just the previous game I had it was a false redcheck from Hjasik who, at the time, was siding wolf with Possessed.

Even if that’s not how you play, you understand that this would skew my viewings of a false redcheck on me at least due to recency bias.