[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

Youre either dumbtelling or hella annoying me

Oof ill go eat some humble pie in the corner then see u later guys.


Which is really why we should sac Geyde and if you think PKR is minister find something to be convinced he isn’t so he lives if you have that view

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Okay new plan is Geyde

If anyone wants to claim Minister, do it now. Explain yourself too. If nobody does, vote me, the confirmed minister for sacrifice

Hey guys PKR is full of shit. No way he is minister. Because reasons.

…what? Wolves by now obviously know PKR is the Minister after this shit. We need to sacrifice him or he’s dead tonight.


Except he clearly isn’t minister because moon logic

This is heckin hillarious. I think Math has hard spewed scum.

Oh yeah thats true.

Same shit happened in SFoL49.

You can’t fucking put a PR HC back after they’ve outed themselves as it’s obvious who’s truthtelling and who’s covering.

I think you’re wrong.

You’re just providing minister cover. And I will do whatever it takes to protect idiot town reads. After all there can only be one village idiot.

Watch me try if I am.

Also, am I the only one getting Traitor vibes from MathBlade?

His ISO is anti-town as shit but at the same time he doesn’t really give a damn about his perception, which fits in the Traitor as the Traitor does not mind being lynched.

Why would we sacrifice minister anyways their ritual abilities are bad. If they want to out and die then go ahead

They’ve already outed. We need to sac them or they’ll be nightkilled tonight.

who cares

I honestly don’t know if you’re VI or Wolf but as the Mayor and Hunter of this Village, I shall find the werewolves in our midst.

Someones gotta die as town soooooo