[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Arent we getting her checked tho by invests?

Please respond to this

lemme check if thereā€™s a godfathering class first

I dont think there is, though Traitor is Godfather but also LW

we shouldnā€™t, as scum have abilities that can fuck with sacrifice that work best when they know who will be

We could have a range of like 4 or 3 people

Wait Traitor can disguise other people

Wait can we talk during ritual phase


I have received confirmation we can talk during ritual phase!

LW appears as town

and then theres a LW who can tailor like nappy said

So @Napoleon who do you suggest to lynch?
I know you are susp of Jgoes, but we need to read plurality

Probably Apprentice if Iā€™m hoping on the major wagons.

sulit hasnā€™t done anything AI

sctually maybe sulit if she doesnt participate more

i have a soulread on sulit

shes null

I am now null alignment

thank u katze

Well thatā€™s not going to get much better

It can be

Given that you really only have a read on me