[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Sorry, I’ve had anger management issues in the past and now I’m better, though now rather than blowing up on people I just act like a pretentious asshat.

So I’ve been getting better with time, hopefully I’m fully done with it by the end of the year.

You give off weird vibes and have had no pressure on you like… whatsoever.

and still your wagon doesn’t gain any traction or like… anything.

you aren’t blatantly town(or even a townlean) and you are the top poster and… nobody has pressured you at all.

Again, I apologize for my rudeness. I’m still trying to work on it.

Honestly I kinda feel for you, because I tend to get the same way when people vote me for reasons I believe to be stupid

so why wait until EoD to mention this

because RN i think you’re the LW who thinks im a wolf

didn’t really notice until now

for what it’s worth I have him as a townlean

I forget what exactly he did that was convincing but I remember finding it compelling

wasnt it how i treated what i thought was nappys IC soft

I actually have the exact same read
I think Marshal’s traitor who went to try and push the Blood Mage claims over the mechanical limit
But again
DoNt TraItor HunT


so what are the wagons?

appel is prob 2nd wagon rn

apprentice is at… L-3 i think

see everyone is like “oh kat’s good”

but has anyone given… any reason to townread you?

it seems like you have a lot of support and really haven’t earned it

one person said that

Yep at 6



How’s Katze regarding their tendency to FPS? From what I’ve seen them as V it looks like they do try a lot of unconventional strats as V. Does this hold true when they’re W?

I’ll vote apprentice no one else do

/vote Apprentice

how is appel at L3


depends what you mean by unconventional strats

but probably yes

maybe apprentice is a hit…