[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Can people get their fucking votes off SDA so I can vote Jgoes?

Let’s beat up Jgoes

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You dare go against are god? Are you a heretic?

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SDA is at 2/9

alright well if whoever arete votes is scum it was actually me all along who knew it

if it’s town then it’s arete’s fault


SDA is at 4/9, tf you mean?

No, I had two errors. I am the one that made the Vc, lol.

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/vote Jgoes

/vote Appel

nobody wants apprentice dead anymore for some bizarre reason so this is okay?

oh ok my b.

Alice voted Appel

Stop can’t you see how many votes Appel is getting every 2 seconds?

Appel is at 5/9 still. Jgoes at 3.

Can someone remind me why we’re CFDing onto Appel

I don’t think that reason is valid

I think there are reasonable teams that consist of three people none of whom have voted Appel even if we assume the wolves are doing 0 distancing

apprentice had a huge wagon that disappears and nobody is batting a fucking eye at that?

Dude I can’t convince you in 6 minutes.

Fuck the Town over yourself then.

Guys we have 6 minutes who tf are we voting

whoever arete does 4head

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Appelsiini Arete, Braizen, Marshal, Alice, katze 5/9
SirDerpsAlot DryBones, Alice, Kyo 3/9
Wiisp SirDerpsAlot 1/9
sulit Wazza 1/9
Jgoes sulit, Wisp, Napoleon 3/9