[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!


is your Blood Mage claim real or an FPS

I frankly donā€™t want to talk about this shit anymore before anyone else claimsā€¦

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but that game had a wolf arete and u said you never read a wolf arete game



i hardclaim shamseercerer

literally just said I read LotR

iā€¦ cc?

I hardclaim Blood Mage, kill me if I rescind my claim
Iā€™m dying


not if i cc first

oh did u


gamer momento

i cc shamseercerer italy
youā€™ve been caught

hold up

Itā€™s funny because I just realised Iā€™m completely useless for claiming this entire match

On a serious note, I kind of am dubious of Apprentice as he did spent way too much time typing his answer to provide evidence about him reading Areteā€™s wolf game.


so we have 3 Blood Mage hardclaims

if anyone else is Blood Mage they should probably speak up

Iā€™m dying, as in, Iā€™m dying of laughter

I have a question.

Why did the other Blood Mages feel the need to counterclaim?

i felt like it

because arete wants towncred

The real question is why I bloody claimed in the first place


my idea was ā€˜find three people I think are town, drain their blood, and make you visit meā€™