[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

i don’t think we’re really blood mages

My pizza rolls were calling

Why exactly would they need to?

Down the line, yeah. Rn it just takes one of Katze/Marshall to claim that they’re FPSing and we’d have a BM outed for no reason.

because someone I scumread claimed my class

kyo/arete/marshal all hardclaimed it

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I claimed

so you scumread me and want me dead

got it

…at this point in time I’m pretty sure one or two people are memeing or FPSing.

Is there an anti-claim mechanic?

I have a bloody M32 Rotary Grenade Launcher for these fools that think they can take me down

I don’t know and don’t care

Katze isn’t claiming Blood Mage

and this is why I specifically asked them if they were FPSing, I don’t want anyone trying to back out of a thunderdome with ‘it was just an FPS’ and I also don’t want a ToS FM repeat


i fucking hope theyre not all real claims

I’m using my one-use day ability right away on 0 posters, on four people

why would you do that???

My opinions on Arete are very conflicting rn

Why not?

arete where does this come from

why do u want me dead

Rn it’s just blatantly obvious that at least one of these claims are just FPSing or shitposting.

Thunderdoming people over this so early is… not a good idea, to put it mildly.

so when I said that it was really really dumb and we shouldn’t do it

there was a reason for that

it’s because it was really really dumb