[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Fair enough

this post confuses me because it feels like itā€™s assuming Apprenticeā€™s alignment

can you rephrase

how do you narrow it down to you?
if it was town?

lol no

I know. I was originally going to follow Wiisp but decided they already claimed

do we actually know if it was likeā€¦ succsesful?

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Ur not playing the game youre obv scu,

oh wait ur claiming tracker

my b

wazza claims that apprentice didnt visit

Yes, I confirm it was successful as Apprentice visited no one.

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We donā€™t actually know that


inb4 apprentice is minister

because the town redirector changes the first target, who was me


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well ya I roleblocked them

im pretty sure i asked him yesterday if he was the IC

but maybe that was just nappy

iirc apprentice said his claim wouldnā€™t make a good defense? idk, lemme check

is there anyone that shows up as town to the check?

I think all he said was that he wasnā€™t part of the blood mage gangā„¢