[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!


1 = Katze
2 = Arete
Boom Bye Scum :sunglasses:


logic was flawed but i wanted to see your opinion because i thought if you picked arete itā€™d make you undeniable town
but actually thereā€™s lots of holes in this logic

I think there are a lot of viable scumteams that consist of Apprentice and 2 people off wagon

and more than zero viable scumteams with no wolves on the wagon

your argument assumes that wolves were in danger at EoD, if they werenā€™t then they have no real need to be on the wagon and could easily avoid responsibility for a mislynch by just ā€¦ not voting it

Nah seriously idc who is checked today as long as it makes sense.

well i spun a wheel and it landed like an entire inch away from arete

Now I realized I want katze again

Arete and Marshal groupscum

They were in danger.

Until everyone just fucking hopped off Apprentice like we were rabbits.

my main logic was ā€œscum would never pass up the chance to get greenpeekedā€
but then i realized
scum would get redpeeked

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Literally impossible unless iā€™m also groupscum

i mean if i were exactly the traitor then your logic would make sense

Read Wazzaā€™s posts

Investigative Tampering Abilities.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m using now, no matter how confusing.

I mean if youā€™re like ā€œplease donā€™t modpeek meā€ then itā€™s kinda obvious

Person Who they want checked
katze katze or Arete
Arete Arete
Marshal Arete
Napoleon katze
sulit sulit
Braixen Marshal
Italy Literally anyone so you get no votes cause im not writing 1 for everything
Wazza DryBones, Apprentice, katze
Votee Total Votes
katze 4
Arete 3
Marshal 1
sulit 1
DryBones 1
Apprentice 1

katze has taken the lead

Katze is subtly favouring an Arete check

italy the catgirl miller cannot be stopped
instead, italy the catgirl miller has chosen to stop

Could be town but I wanna check them

Check Arete