[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

“guys i swear i redchecked arete”

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arete visited derps last night

Tbh, when you start getting a rep for FPSing then people are going to start doubting your claim regardless if they TR you or not.


katze: ‘I have a redcheck’

person: ‘nice reactiontest lol’

katze: ‘no like you’re actually scum’

person: ‘haha you’re funny’

everyone: ‘wow nice reactiontest, katze and [person] are both town’

katze: ‘…’


What’s your results Arete?
Red right?

oh i prob shoulda been more clear

i was mocking marshal from tos mafia

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no its a joke

cuz i faked that in tos mafia

Who does Seth claim to have visited?

Oh lol

and then replaced out

and left my replacement to claim something entirely different :^)

I said I didn’t visit.
TF you smokin?

How is that a red check then Katze?

Can I have some?

arete was making fun of me because if i claim a redcheck on someone everybodys first instinct will be “lol nice RT”


Never mind the red check is false

just to be entirely clear just in case someone hasn’t followed

i did not track drybones last night

it was a meme

Wait Arete your BM right?

ok so i feel pretty happy with a hard TR on drybones tbh


i still hate you tho