[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!


or like

they aren’t things I’ve seen her read me on before and she didn’t bring them up when she was explaining her read on me

im curious on what these things are

the concern here is that if you’re aware of what you do and don’t do as scum it isn’t that hard to replicate it

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joke or serious

italy isn’t just the fastest draw in the west
but the east, north and south too

I do not believe this, this is not set and stone
it depends on the player, for some its easy, for others its not
for many, there is a clear difference in their playstyles



pick a couple players you think you can read well and try to focus on their posts? I guess?

for what it’s worth the pace will probably slow down, the game started half an hour ago and I’m not expecting 23,000 posts by EoD1 :upside_down_face:

@Arete i actually townread you nl

Isn’t there a D1 Ritual?

The scapegoat traitor that has four sacrifice abilities. I’ll grab it’s name if you still don’t know what I’m talking about after this post.

Vietnam flashbacks intensify

The Lamb

ohh god


which is actually really clever when you consider the phrase “Sacrificial Lamb”

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okay but it’s significantly easier to emulate a meta you’re aware you do than one you do subliminally


it’s a lamb that REALLY fucking wants to be sacrificed

I think some of them are things I could fake if I was consciously trying and sufficiently motivated

the main point of that post was that I was confused about Alice’s read on me


can you walk me through the thought process that led to you flipping your read?

you just fell for his prank