[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

oh, your slot visited the guy who died last night


ah shit, here we go again

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What have I gotten myself into? Could you enlighten me on that? I also have info regarding Italy’s thing. It’s probably a bad idea, but I would be wiling to fullclaim if it would advance the gamestate.

I will be back later with more posts, but I need to sleep.

Yeah, I think it would be wise to full claim. You will see a fullclaim from me later today and honestly I think it will blow this game wide open.

I meant to say hardclaim, excuse me being a dumb dumb. It’s time for me to get some rest.

I’ve still got like 500 posts left to catch up on but OH BOY do I have some hot and spicy news.

The reason I kind of rolled over yesterday was because I’m 4th blood mage and I kind of wanted to flip to get PoE going on the other 3. Yesterday I used Drain Blood on Marshal, Braixen, and katze and then popped Elixir of Blood. People have confirmed to visit me so at least one of those 3 (or 4 if you include me) is scum. That’s a hot PoE for ya’ll.


Marshal already claimed his BM claim was fake

everything marshal does is fake

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I think (?) I’m ok with ritualing Italy. The thing that concerns me most is not the play but rather the lack of disagreement I’ve heard to it (still got 500 posts left so maybe something happened there). That was literally the exact play I was planning on doing if I rolled either Diviner or Lamb. I do think that what Italy did/is claiming is probably the optimal play from both classes.

Marshal doesn’t exist

Where in the world did this happen???

I like to pretend that is true

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I cba to scroll up but like, 300 posts ago I think

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Well we don’t have 4 blood mage’s but we still have info

but like do you have reason to believe she is the lamb?
what does she feel like to you, ignoring their claim

Wait so still one of Marshal, Braixen, and katze is scum?

That’s spicy