[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

okay but

think about this

Italy “greenchecks” Alice, Marshal, and Arete

Apprentice created a 4 player PoE of Marshal, himself, myself, and Braixen

everybody expects alice to be converted

which means the most likely convert in the Italy greenchecks zone is… Arete?

because why convert Marshal if he’s already in a 4 player PoE


i realize this now

I can’t shake the feeling that any one of Italy’s checks are converted.

An alice convert feels way too blatantly obvious

Because she’s such a strong player

We need to find the starting scum as well.

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Didn’t Kyo try to CFD onto Derps? I don’t think it’d make sense to bus here d1.

This isn’t the time to hunt for a convert. I’m re-reading the thread rn as Kyo flipping W at least allows us to backread him.

i mean marshal/alice/arete is like… a great convert pool to pick from

especailly when semi-greenchecked

so im keeping my eyes on those 2

Why would you need to backread when you have scumchat?

I am playing devil’s advocate here, but couldn’t they convert Alice on the meta that “it’s too obvious”?

this is exactly why id never convert alice

it makes her SUPER easy to mislynch

You’re not wrong, but as katze just said it makes her easy to mislynch on that basis

but this logic is exactly why i wouldnt lynch her aaaaaaaa

If we assume she isn’t converted because it’s too obvious why would we lynch her?

the problem is we can literally go on all day with this argument

Ideally we should be looking for the 2 remaining Heretics and then use their post-d2 spew to find the convert. I’m going to look at Kyo’s EoD d1 rn.

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i think spending time focusing on converts is dumb


Am I making any sense here? I am not saying she is converted, but scum could have easily pull a fast one.

Basically, this.

We have two wolves that were Heretics since d1 so we have more info while for converts it’s basically just guessing, which is pointless WIFOM.